Fragrant, intense, flavorful and authentic homemade Garam Masala recipe. The Garam Masala Powder is an essential spice mix used to flavor and season Indian food.
First sort through the spices for stones, chaff or any hidden mold in them.
Discard the stones, chaff or husks. If there are any insects or mold or fungi, then discard the spices. Don't use them.
Add the whole spices in a plate or tray. Keep the plate in the sun for 2 to 3 days.Instead of sun-drying, you can lightly roast/toast in a frying pan, all the whole spices until except for dry ginger powder (ground ginger) and rose petals.
While being sun dried, cover with a wire-meshed lid or a muslin or loosely woven cotton napkin, so that dust does not fall on the spices, when they are being sun dried. During the day, I would keep the spices out. During night, I would keep the plate inside with a loose lid covering it.
After getting sun dried, there is no trace of moisture in the spices and they also become slightly crisp.
Before you begin, grinding the whole spices, take the nutmeg in a mortar-pestle and crush it coarsely. Keep aside.
Now add all the whole spices in the dry grinder jar. Break the cinnamon, tej patta and then add. You can also use a coffee grinder. Add according to the capacity of the jar.
Then add the coarsely crushed nutmeg powder.
Next add 2 tablespoons ginger powder. If you plan to roast/toast the spices for making garam masala, then do not roast ginger powder.
Grind to a smooth powder. You can grind in 1 or 2 batches.
If using dried rose petals, then add them at this step. If you don't have rose petals then skip adding them. Again grind.
If you want, you can sift it and grind the tiny bits left on the sieve.
Let the powder cool down. You can spread it in a plate or allow it to cool in the grinder jar itself. Then spoon the powder in a clean glass jar.
Cover tightly and keep in a cool dry place. You can also keep it in the fridge or freezer. This recipe yields about 190 grams of garam masala.
Check all your spices to see if they have stones, chaffs or husks. Spread them out on a plate and remove any of these, if you see them.
Use fresh spices, not old or rancid ones. Make sure the spices don’t have any hidden mold, fungi or insects growing on them. If they do, then discard those spices.
You can either sun-dry or roast/toast the spices in a pan or skillet. Choose the method that suits you.
Ensure that you use true Ceylon cinnamon and not cassia. They are not one and the same, though they are often used interchangeably. However, you can use cassia, if true cinnamon is out of your reach. Remember with cassia cinnamon, the aroma and flavor will be different.
The dried ginger powder and dried rose petals are optional and can be skipped.
The approximate nutrition info is for 1 teaspoon of Garam Masala.