List of Fruits Names – English, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi

Fruits name with a handy glossary table showcasing the names of various fruits in English, Hindi, Tamil and Marathi equivalents and in some other regional Indian languages.

overhead shot of many colorful fruits with text layovers.

I consider fruits to be nature’s candy. There are a bountiful of fruits that mother nature has blessed us with. Each season brings in a variety of fruits that we can savor and enjoy.

Fresh fruits are healthy and some of them have the tag of superfood too like avocado, blueberries, watermelon, strawberries, apples. You can eat them, juice them, make smoothies, make jams and preserves. In fact there are so many cakes and desserts that you can make with fruits.

In India we have fruits changing according to the season. There are some fruits that are perennial like bananas or coconut. And some fruits are strictly seasonal like mangoes, various berries, jackfruit.

It is a good practice to eat fruits when they are in season. Also try to buy them locally to save the carbon foot print. I also recommend to eat the indigenous fruits that are natively grown in your country.

Here in this post, you will the fruits names in Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Konkani and a few more other languages. I have tried to cover as many fruits as I can. I hope you find this list helpful.

If you know the name of any fruit in any regional Indian language and want to update it in this post, then do leave it in the comment section and we will update the post.

If we have missed any fruit, then also you can let us know. Thanks in advance.

Note that you will have to scroll the below table from left to right when viewing on a mobile phone or tablet.

List of Fruit Names

EnglishHindiTamilMarathiKonkaniOther languages
Butter Fruit
Makhanphal   Venna pandu in Telugu
Cape gooseberriesRasbhari
CoconutNariyal  NaralNaalKhopru in Gujarati
Custard appleSitaphalSeethapazham   
Dry Plums, PlumAloo Bukhara    
PalapazhamPhanasPhanasChakka in Malayalam 
Indian JujubesBer
Black plum, Java Plum Jamun Jambhul  Jambul 
Indian gooseberryAmlaNellikaiAvala, AwlaAvlaRaj Nellikai
in Kannada
Nelli in Malayalam
GuavaAmrudKoiya Peru  
Kiwi fruit     
Mango (ripe)AamMampazham,
Mango (unripe)  KairiAmbli 
MulberryShahatut, Shatoot    
Musk melonKharabujaMulampazham Chibud 
Naaram Narangi  
Palm fruitTad phal
PapayaPapitaPappali pazhamPapai  
PomegranateAnarMadhulam pazham Dalimb  
Sapota pazham Chikku  
Sweet lemonMausami  Mosambi  
Star fruitKamrakh    Kamarakh in Gujarati
Water chestnutSinghara,
WatermelonTarabooj Kalingad  
Wood Apple, Bengal QuinceBel, Bael

Helpful Tips for Fruits

  • While rinsing fruits soak them for 5 minutes in water to which some vinegar and baking soda or salt have been added. Then rinse them in fresh water for a couple of times thoroughly. This helps in getting rid of any pesticide residue on the fruits. Or if possible buy organic fruits and if you have a garden then grow your own fruits.
  • Use seasonal fruits that are at the peak of their ripeness and freshness. Each fruit has a different nutrient composition and benefit. Thus consume different types of fruits in any season so that your nutrition needs are met.
  • The best way to eat fruits is as nature has intended. Just enjoy them as is. This way you get all the nutrition benefits including the fiber from that fruit. Peel the fruit if they have inedible or hard peels. Remove and discard any inedible seeds or stones from the fruit.
  • While pairing fruits in any dish like smoothie, drinks, salad, desserts etc, don’t mix acidic fruits like oranges, lemon with sweet fruits. Also, avoid mixing melons with any fruits.
  • Don’t consume fruits after a meal. If you want to eat fruits then have them at least 2 hours before your meal or 2 to 3 hours after your meal or once your meal is digested.
  • While buying fruits look for a bright color, good aroma and freshness in the fruits. For some fruits like mangoes, avocado, sapota when you press them lightly the outer skin should yield.
  • Don’t drink water immediately after eating fruits. Always eat fruit fresh as soon as you are done chopping with it. Don’t let them rest for some minutes or few hours. Also, don’t refrigerate the chopped fruits.

Related Culinary Posts:

  1. Spices Names
  2. Pulses Names
  3. Cereals Names
  4. Vegetable Names

This List of Fruit names from the archives was originally published on December 2014.

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  1. I like to know English, Hindi and Other Leng’ Name of Fruit ” “SAFARCHAND”.

  2. Grapes are called draksha in Marathi. Can you add that please? Also I would like to add that I am a huge fan of your recipies n this website in general.

    1. thank you aishwarya. i need to rework on this posts, but not getting time. when i rework, i will add the names which all readers have suggested. thanks again.

  3. Shatoot.this black color fruit quite common in punjab. May b called some berry. Could u find it exact name in english

  4. thanks for providing such a interesting and awesome knowledge.
    it has become one of my favourite site and topic