Cereals Names in English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada

Find below a complete list of cereals names (a.k.a names of grains) in English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada. This is basically a cereal list that also contains the names of millets in some Indian languages.

cereals filled in a various boxes in a wooden tray

This exhaustive cereals list contains names of various grains or cereals in English and some more Indian languages. I have also listed the names of the cereals flour as well as the other products derived from these cereals. Smaller images of these cereals are also displayed in this glossary list. 

Cereals are an integral part in Indian cuisine. Cereals are called as anaj in Hindi. Both various type of grains and millets fall in the broad category of cereals. Millets, amaranth, quinoa are generally seeds and are called as pseudo grains. 

In India, we make so many dishes with a variety of cereals. While rice and wheat form the bulk of the grains that are consumed, millets are also eaten for their health benefits.

Many of the cereals and millets like wheat, rice, finger millet, pearl millet, sorghum etc are ground to flour. Many varieties of flatbreads are made from these flours. Roti or chapati is a staple made from whole wheat flour in many Indian kitchens. Other than we also make flatbreads with sorghum flour, finger millet flour, rice flour, pearl millet flour, buckwheat flour etc.

In fact, many dishes are made like puddings, fried breads, halwa, ladoo, idli, dosa, uttapam etc. Cereals are high in carbs wheres millets are a good source of proteins, carbs and fiber. Do include them in your meal for their health benefits and also to support the local farmers.

While buying grains or cereals, ensure that they are in their shelf-period and are free of any insects or fungi like moulds etc. When possible buy organic if you can.

You can also make your own homemade flours by grinding these grains in a domestic flour mill. Homemade flours are so good and much better than packaged flours.

Store the grains and their flours in dry containers. Ensure that the grains and the flours are moisture-free and dry. Placing a few leaves of tej patta (Indian bay leaf), some cinnamon sticks and a few cloves to reduce the risk of infestation by insects. This helps the grains and flour to be preserved for a longer period of time.

In the table below, the first column consists of the picture of the cereal. The remaining columns are for the names of cereals in the various languages. 

I have also mentioned if the grain or seed is gluten free. The cross (X) indicates that the grain is not gluten-free. Tick mark (√) indicates that the grain is gluten-free.

The English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil translations have been done by me. For more names in other languages, I have referred the book – Modern Cookery by Thangam Philip. 

Please do read the comments section for more information. This cereal list is best viewed in a laptop browser. When browsing in a mobile, scroll the table from left to right.

Cereals Names

CerealEnglishHindiMarathiTamilTeluguKannadaGluten free
wheat grains macroWheatGehunGahuGodumaiGodhumaiGodiX
wheat daliaBroken wheat,
Cracked wheat
DaliaLapsiGodumai ravaiGodhuma ravaKuttida godi, godi raveX
whole wheat flour - attaWhole wheat flourAttaKaneekGodumai maavuGodhuma pindiGodi hittuX
maida or all purpose flourAll purpose flour,
Refined flour
MaidaMaidaMaida maavuMaida pindiMaida hittuX
sooji, ravaCream of wheat, semolinaSooji, sujiRavaRavaiRavaRavaX
seviyanVermicelliSeviyan, sevai, sevShevayaSemiyaSemiyaSemigeX
fresh cornCorn, maizeMakai, bhuttaMakkaMakka cholamMokkajonaMekke jolaX
Dried cornMakai ka danaX
makki ka daliaCorn meal, polentaMakai ka daliaMakka ravaCholam ravaMokkajona ravaMekke jola ravaX
maize flourMaize flourMakai ka attaMakyache
Makka cholam maavuMokkajona pindiMekke jola hittuX
corn starchCornstarchCornflour
barleyBarleyJavJauBarli arisiYavamBarliX
riceRiceChawalTandoolPacha arisiBiyyamAkki√
parboiled riceParboiled riceUkda chawal, sela chawal, arwa chawalUkda tandoolPuzhungal arisiUppudu biyyamKusubalakki√
pohaBeaten rice, parched rice, rice flakesPoha, chiwra, chidwaPoheAvalAtukuluAvalakki√
puffed ricePuffed riceMurmura, Kurmura
Arisi poriBorugulu, murmuraluMandakki, kurlari√
rice flourRice flourChawal ka attaTandlache peethArisi maavuBiyyappu pindiAkki hittu√
sabudanaTapioca, sagoSabudanaSabudana√
tapioca flourCassava or tapioca flourCassavaMaravalli kizhangu mavKarapendalamMarageanasu√
amaranth seedsAmaranth seedsRajgira, ramdana√
amaranth flourAmaranth flourRajgira atta√
buckwheatBuckwheatKuttu, kootuKuttuKotu√
buckwheat groatsBuckwheat groatsSabut kuttu√
buckwheat flourBuckwheat flourKuttu ka atta√
oatsOatsJai, javie√
pearl millet - bajraPearl milletBajraBajriKambuSajjaluSajje√
jowar-sorghumSorghum, miloJowar, juar, Jwari cholam JonnaluJola√
finger-millet-ragiFinger milletMundal, makra, manduaNachniKizhvaraguRaguluRagi√
foxtail milletFoxtail milletKangni Rala thinaiKorraNavane√
little milletLittle milletKutkiSava, halviSamai SaamaSaame√
barnyard milletBarnyard millet
Sama, samvat, swang, vrat ke chawal
Varai, vari,KuthiravaaliOdaluOodhalu√
 Kodo milletKodonKodraVaraguArikeluHarka√
 Arrow root flourArra root, araruta, paniphal√
 Water chestnut flourSinghare ka atta√
 FoxnutsMakhana, phool makhana√

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This cereals names post from the blog archives (first published in September 2009) has been updated and republished on 23 June 2021.

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  1. Hi , can anyone tell me indian name for teff….or what can I use instead of teff flour (used in Ethiopia dish)
    Thanks 🙂

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